
Stem morphology lec 1
Stem morphology lec 2
Stem morphology lec 3
Stem morphology lec 4
Stem morphology lec 5
Different b/w corm and bulb
Different b/w corm and rhizome
Different b/w rhizome and tuber
Different b/w phylloclade and cladode
Root morphology
Inflorescence lec 1
Inflorescence lec 2 cymose and types
Inflorescence lec 3 compound fluorescence
Inflorescence lec 4 special type of fluorescence
Funaria lec 2
Flower lec 1 description of flower
Flower lec 2 symmetry and sex of flower
Flower lec 3 Epigenous ,hypogenous
Flower lec 4 calyx types
Flower lec 5 corolla ,types, aestivation
Fruit lec 1
Fruit lec 2 achenial fruit
Fruit lec 4 fleshy fruit
Cardano to lead Altcoin Explosion
Live lecture leaf arrangement
Leaf morphology simple leaves
The Base Academy