1st year class
In this section you will find the onlne quiz of 11th class. This section includes the online quiz of first year class for all punjab boards. 
You will find the online quiz of physics ,chemistry and biology. All important topics of class 11 of all subjects are here. The Quiz of physics ,biology and chemistry is complete. 
Just click on the subject ,you will find the chapter wise list of all chapters quizzes of physics ,chemistry and biology. This is the best platform for the prepration of exams of your first year. These online quizzes will give you a valuable insights into your performance. Also it is very helpful for a student to secure his/her marks in exams.




2nd year class

In this section you will find the onlne quiz of 12th class. This section includes the online quiz of 2nd year class for all punjab boards. 

You will find the online quiz of physics ,chemistry and biology. All important topics of class 12 of all subjects are here. The Quiz of physics ,biology and chemistry is complete. 
Just click on the subject ,you will find the chapter wise list of all chapters quizzes of physics ,chemistry and biology. This is the best platform for the prepration of exams of your first year. These online quizzes will give you a valuable insights into your performance. Also it is very helpful for a student to secure his/her marks in exams.




The Base Academy